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Top 10 xu hướng công nghệ năm 2024

Top 10 xu hướng công nghệ 2024

Tài liệu do Gartner cung cấp top 10 xu hướng công nghệ năm 2024

  1. AI TRiSM Technology
  2. Continuous Threat Exposure Management
  3. Sustainable Technology Framework
  4. Diagram of Platform Engineering
  5. 3 Components of AI-Augmented Development
  6. Industry Cloud Platform Evolution
  7. Intelligent Applications
  8. Democratized Generative AI
  9. A Framework for the Augmented Connected Worker
  10. 5 Behaviors of Human and Machine Customers


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In the era of AI, innovations help organization build and protect itself while generating value.

Some innovations are driven by AI; others help you to operate and grow effectively and safely as customer expectations and business models evolve with AI. What’s top of minds when it comes to AI: Trust and confidence that we can use AI safely; Sustainable activities within the ecosystem; Dedicated technologies for specific tasks; Speed and productivity with minimum extra investment or effort.

What makes to Gartner Top 10 Technologies for 2024?
1. AI as Partner: AITrust, Risk and Security Management (AITRiSM)
2. Be Safe: Continuous Threat Exposure Management(CTEM)
3. Protect the Future: Sustainable Technology
4. Developer-Driven Self-Service: Platform Engineering
5. Accelerate Creation: AI-Augmented Development
6. Tailor Your Tailor’s Work: IndustryCloudPlatforms
7. OptimizeDecision-Making: Intelligent Applications
8. Power AND Responsibility: Democratized GenerativeAI
9. Push the Pioneers: Augmented Connected Workforce
10. Buyers With Byte(s): Machine Customers