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AWS Glue DataBrew là gì?

AWS Glue DataBrew cũng chính là AWS Glue thôi, nhưng thay vì viết code cho việc thu gôm, làm sạch và chuẩn hoá dữ liệu thì AWS Glue DataBrew là công cụ dạng low-code/non-code, giúp bạn giảm tới mức tối đa việc viết code, hoặc có chăng là các điều kiện rẻ nhánh đơn giản để bạn thực hiện việc thu gôm, làm sạch và chuẩn hoá dữ liệu của bạn. (AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that enables users to clean and normalize data without writing any code)

AWS Glue DataBrew là gì

AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that enables users to clean and normalize data without writing any code. Using DataBrew helps reduce the time it takes to prepare data for analytics and machine learning (ML) by up to 80 percent, compared to custom developed data preparation. You can choose from over 250 ready-made transformations to automate data preparation tasks, such as filtering anomalies, converting data to standard formats, and correcting invalid values.

Using DataBrew, business analysts, data scientists, and data engineers can more easily collaborate to get insights from raw data. Because DataBrew is serverless, no matter what your technical level, you can explore and transform terabytes of raw data without needing to create clusters or manage any infrastructure.

With the intuitive DataBrew interface, you can interactively discover, visualize, clean, and transform raw data. DataBrew makes smart suggestions to help you identify data quality issues that can be difficult to find and time-consuming to fix. With DataBrew preparing your data, you can use your time to act on the results and iterate more quickly. You can save transformation as steps in a recipe, which you can update or reuse later with other datasets, and deploy on a continuing basis.

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