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5 Xu hướng thương mại điện tử và thanh toán online năm 2024

Xu hướng thương mại điện tử và thanh toán online năm 2024

Tài liệu sau đây cho thấy các xu hướng của thương mại điện tử và thanh toán online năm 2024

The Five Trends to Watch in Commerce and Payments

Transformation and adaptation have always been at the heart of business, and that’s especially true now. An unpredictable global economy has forced many leaders into action. And with the rapid advance of new technologies, those who get out in front of major trends are in the best position to benefit from them.

In commerce, businesses of all sizes have experienced a year of disruption and rapid change. Most notably, generative AI is catalyzing transformation and innovation. Already, many businesses are deploying generative AI to rapidly improve customer service and support, enhance security and fraud detection, and support the integrations critical to making payments efficient and powerful. Without a doubt, generative AI represents one of the most impactful trends we have seen in decades.

This and other trends present new opportunities to rethink and reinvent the entire payment and consumer experience at the business level. Whether it’s embedded payments, behavioral biometrics or gamification of payments, businesses are on an ongoing journey of innovation and creating fresh experiences for consumers. The result is less friction and more engagement, and the expectation that businesses will keep raising their game.

Of course, that expectation is not just for new ways of handling and processing payments. Some relate to the basics. Take the issue of security and fighting fraud. Businesses can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. The technologies and digitalization that drive so many of the improvements in the payment process are also driving greater exposure to bad actors. As we build new enhancements, we need to think about making the entire commerce and payment process even more secure.

These trends form the center of this year’s report. We have spoken with leading industry experts and conducted a global market research study among businesses and issuers to identify five key trends that we believe will make a major impact in the coming year.

These are:

• Generative AI
• Embedded payments
• Security and fraud prevention
• Live commerce
• Next-gen digital experiences

Each of these trends reflects a move toward making each transaction—whether in person or online—simpler, more secure and seamless. And all of it is informed by data that makes transactions more personalized.

Consumer needs and expectations are driving these trends. Businesses that want to lead the competition need to understand these trends and find ways to apply them to their own strategies. That kind of proactive approach will put every organization in a position to stay out front, meeting consumers where they want to go next.

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