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Các điểm mới, chức năng mới của Purview tháng 9-2023

Các điểm mới, chức năng mới của Purview trong tháng 9-2023

September 2023


Communication compliance

Compliance Manager

  • Improvement actions have a new design to make it easier to digest status information and record implementation and testing work.
  • Improvement actions no longer support the “parent” testing type, which linked the test status to that of another action.
  • The page formerly titled “Compliance score calculation” has been renamed Compliance Manager scoring, and has updates to clarify action types and scoring.

Data lifecycle management and records management

Data loss prevention

  • Named entities are now supported on government clouds. The full list of supported clouds now includes:

    • Microsoft Commercial Cloud
    • Microsoft Government Community Cloud
    • Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud High
    • Microsoft 365 Department of Defense
  • General availability (GA): Just-in-time protection for Endpoints is now generally available.


Information barriers

  • Updated subscription and licensing references in all articles.

Information protection

Insider risk management

Microsoft Priva

Sensitive information types

Sensitivity labels

  • General availability (GA): In SharePoint and Teams, you can see and apply sensitivity labels to documents by using the details pane.
  • General availability (GA): The following new conditions are now generally available for auto-labeling policies. Just the final new condition listed requires an advanced rule, and is applicable to OneDrive and SharePoint only. All the other new conditions are available in common rules:
    • Attachment or file extension is
    • Attachment or document name contains words or phrases
    • Attachment or document property is
    • Attachment or document size equals or is greater than
    • Document created by