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The full-stack

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Free Certifications for a Full-Stack Career in 2023:

1. IBM Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate


2. HTML and CSS in depth


3. JavaScript


4. Python


5. MySQL


6. MongoDB


7. Node.js


8. Express


9. React


10. Java


11. Git


12. DSA


13. GraphQL


14. Microservices


15. Cloud


16. Serverless


17. Linux


18. DevOps


19. Docker


20. Kubernetes, OpenShift


21. Front-End Development


22. Databases


23. Back-End Development


24. The Full Stack Course


25. Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization


26. Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript


27. Introduction to Web Development


28. IBM Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate


29. IBM DevOps and Software Engineering Professional Certificate


30. Meta Android Developer Professional Certificate
