Các mô hình quản lý sản xuất của SAP
Quote from bsdinsight on 12 December 2023, 16:42SAP PP has got 3 major production methods,
These allow for PP configurations for different industries,
PP Consultants should be knowledgeable in these 3 process areas,Three common types of SAP production planning are process manufacturing, repetitive manufacturing, and discrete manufacturing.
1. Process Manufacturing
In process manufacturing, products are produced in bulk quantities using recipes or formulas that specify the ingredients and their proportions.
Key characteristics include:
● Batch-Oriented Production
Involves the production of goods in batches rather than individual units. Each batch may have specific characteristics or variations due to factors like raw material quality or environmental conditions.
● Complex Bill of Materials (BOM)
Requires complex BOMs that define the ingredients, quantities, and proportions needed for each batch. These BOMs can include both raw materials and intermediate products.
● Recipe Management
SAP provides functionalities for managing recipes or formulas used in process manufacturing. This includes maintaining ingredient lists, specifying processing steps, defining quality parameters, and tracking changes to recipes over time.
● Quality Control
● Lot Traceability
Given the batch-oriented nature of process manufacturing, lot traceability is crucial for tracking raw materials used in each batch and tracing them back to suppliers if necessary. SAP enables lot traceability through batch management functionalities.
2. Repetitive Manufacturing
In repetitive manufacturing, products are typically produced in large quantities with a fixed sequence of operations.
Key characteristics include:
● Continuous Production Flow
● Standardized Operations
● Product Costing
SAP provides functionalities for calculating product costs in repetitive manufacturing scenarios. This includes determining the cost of materials, labour, overheads, and other factors associated with each unit produced.
● Capacity Planning
Efficient capacity planning is crucial in repetitive manufacturing to ensure that resources are adequately allocated to meet production demands. SAP offers tools for capacity planning and scheduling based on available resources and production requirements.
● Kanban-Based Material Flow
Kanban is a widely used method in repetitive manufacturing for managing material flow and inventory levels. SAP supports kanban-based material replenishment by automating the generation of kanban signals based on consumption rates and stock levels.
3. Discrete Manufacturing
It is commonly employed in industries such as machinery, aerospace, defense, electronics, and furniture. In discrete manufacturing, products are typically assembled from various components or parts.
Key characteristics include:
● Bill of Materials (BOM) Hierarchy
● Work Order Management
● Variant Configuration
● Shop Floor Control
● Serial Number Management
SAP PP has got 3 major production methods,
These allow for PP configurations for different industries,
PP Consultants should be knowledgeable in these 3 process areas,
Three common types of SAP production planning are process manufacturing, repetitive manufacturing, and discrete manufacturing.
1. Process Manufacturing
In process manufacturing, products are produced in bulk quantities using recipes or formulas that specify the ingredients and their proportions.
Key characteristics include:
● Batch-Oriented Production
Involves the production of goods in batches rather than individual units. Each batch may have specific characteristics or variations due to factors like raw material quality or environmental conditions.
● Complex Bill of Materials (BOM)
Requires complex BOMs that define the ingredients, quantities, and proportions needed for each batch. These BOMs can include both raw materials and intermediate products.
● Recipe Management
SAP provides functionalities for managing recipes or formulas used in process manufacturing. This includes maintaining ingredient lists, specifying processing steps, defining quality parameters, and tracking changes to recipes over time.
● Quality Control
● Lot Traceability
Given the batch-oriented nature of process manufacturing, lot traceability is crucial for tracking raw materials used in each batch and tracing them back to suppliers if necessary. SAP enables lot traceability through batch management functionalities.
2. Repetitive Manufacturing
In repetitive manufacturing, products are typically produced in large quantities with a fixed sequence of operations.
Key characteristics include:
● Continuous Production Flow
● Standardized Operations
● Product Costing
SAP provides functionalities for calculating product costs in repetitive manufacturing scenarios. This includes determining the cost of materials, labour, overheads, and other factors associated with each unit produced.
● Capacity Planning
Efficient capacity planning is crucial in repetitive manufacturing to ensure that resources are adequately allocated to meet production demands. SAP offers tools for capacity planning and scheduling based on available resources and production requirements.
● Kanban-Based Material Flow
Kanban is a widely used method in repetitive manufacturing for managing material flow and inventory levels. SAP supports kanban-based material replenishment by automating the generation of kanban signals based on consumption rates and stock levels.
3. Discrete Manufacturing
It is commonly employed in industries such as machinery, aerospace, defense, electronics, and furniture. In discrete manufacturing, products are typically assembled from various components or parts.
Key characteristics include:
● Bill of Materials (BOM) Hierarchy
● Work Order Management
● Variant Configuration
● Shop Floor Control
● Serial Number Management